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cross platform compatibility?


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I have retrospect 5.6 Express and am attempting to read some wedding photos which I placed on 90M DAT tapes tapes 8 years ago. The tapes were only ever used once (the original write) and were stored correctly. At the time, I wrote the tapes with Retrospect 2.1 on my Macintosh. I'm using a Sony DDS-2 drive of the same type and from the same era that I used at that time (although not the exact unit that wrote these tapes) with a new adaptec USB SCSI adapter on 98SE laptop.


I can see the tape drive fine; it recognizes when I insert a tape, correctly identifies that it is write protected, etc. However, after briefly displaying "(Wrong version)" in the status field, retrospect then says, "Content unrecognized", and displays "(Unknown)" for tape name. Of course it will not attempt to recreate a catalog at this point. It is the same behavior with all such tapes.


Is the current windows retrospect in fact unable to read tapes created with the older macintosh software? Before buying the new retrospect, I sent an email to dantz presales support and was assured it would work, however.... Can anyone provide any suggestions as to how I might read these my old tapes?


Thanks for any ideas in advance!

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