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Client Backup Hangs


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Hi, I'm a new Retrospect user looking for help. I have been using Retro Professional 6.5 for a short time successfully on my desktop system. Now I am trying to backup a laptop client via ethernet to the desktop.


Here is the setup:

Desktop is running Windows 98SE and Retro Pro 6.5.276

Client laptop is running Windows 98SE and corresponding Retro Client

(one note, the Desktop Retro was originally a 6.5 trial download and I just gave it the license when I purchased the boxed edition. The client was installed from the CD in the boxed edition)

The target backup device is a CD/RW (Yamaha Lightspeed CRW2100EZ) in the desktop system.


I setup a script to launch the backup. Nothing fancy, just backup everything on the laptop C drive (about 4.5 GB of data on a 6GB disk). It starts well, data starts coming across the network, the CD/RW drive is cranking and all is good. As the first piece of media is filled, it pops it out and asks for another. Then mysteriously, at a random point after this, progress just stops. There is no error message. As far as Retro is concerned one execution is still running. But no network activity or CD/RW activity. And it just hangs that way until I stop the Retro job. I have tried this several times and each time it stops in a different place. The network is still okay as I can access files on either system. It sort of seems like Retro is waiting on the CD/RW and the CD/RW is waiting on Retro, but I would expect some sort of time-out error to pop up if that were the case.


I'm stumped. I'm going to update to the latest 6.5 tomorrow and try again, but thought I would throw this out in case I'm doing something obviously wrong.





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When this happens, open the Retrospect client control panel. What is the status messag in the client itself?


try a backup to a "file backup set". Is that successful? That will help identify this as a data transfer issue or a device issue.

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Hi again. Thank you for your thoughts. I tried a couple of things and here are the results.


Updated Retro 6.5 to 6.5.319 and the client to 6.5.131 from the latest download.


I tried a client backup to a "file backup set". I did an immediate backup and deselected enough files to get the backup size below 2GB (I have compression turned off). It ran and compared and completed error free. It took just over an hour to backup 1.9 GB.


So I got brave and tried again using CD/RW media. I should mention that since I start this one over every time I have it set to recycle backup. It ran okay to the 2.1 GB point, about half way into the 4th CDRW disk (seems to put about 600 MB on each CDRW). Again it hung with no error message.


The Status in the Client Control Panel on the laptop is:

In use by "GATEWAY" for: Dell


GATEWAY is the desktop computer and Dell is the laptop machine. That is the status the whole time during the backup.


So it would appear that the client thinks all is okay and that the backup is still running. The desktop still shows one execution running, so it seems to think the backup is running with no problems. Is there some setting that I need to tweak for the CD/RW drive or the media?


One thing that did change with the upgrade to .319 is that now when Retro erases each CD/RW media it takes about 40 minutes and it used to take about 20. Which means it takes about an hour to backup (and we haven't got to the compare stage yet) each CD/RW media (about 40 min for erase and 20 min to write 600 MB to it). The media is 4X speed for rewrite. So this hang occurred at just under the 4 hour point. I only mention this because the backup to a file was much shorter so if there is a time factor at work here that could make a difference.


Thanks for any help you can give.


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One quick correction. I mentioned in the last post that Dell is the laptop. It is also the name of the script that is executing the client backup, and I believe that is the reference in the status on the control panel.



Ken Cornell said:


The Status in the Client Control Panel on the laptop is:

In use by "GATEWAY" for: Dell


GATEWAY is the desktop computer and Dell is the laptop machine. That is the status the whole time during the backup.




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Media brand is Maxell. It does not alway hang on the same physical media, but all pieces of media bieng used for this are Maxell CD Rewritable CD-RW 650 MB. There is no speed indication on the box, so I am assuming it is 4X max on the rewrite, although I don't set this anywhere in Retro.



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