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Skipping Schedule


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Why is it that even though I set Retrospect to skip the schedule until a certain date/time it still wants to run backups that were to be skipped when the skip period is over?



On 6/25 I set Retrospect to skip the schedule until 6/27 at 2:30AM. My backup schedule is set to run at 2:30AM alternating between Backup Set 1 and Backup Set 2. I expected Retrospect not to backup to Backup Set 1 (scheduled for 6/26 2:30AM) but to backup to Backup Set 2 (scheduled for 6/27 2:30AM). On 6/27 at 6AM i found Retrospect asking for the Backup Set 1 media to continue the backup. I stopped the execution at that point. Checking the properties for Backup Set 2 showed that the schedule executed that backup as it was supposed to. My only problem is that Retrospect should not have asked for Backup Set 1 since I told it to skip that particular schedule.


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Mayoff said:

You might be defering the schedules rather then removing them. Go to Automate>Preview and in the script preview you can delete scheduled events. When you delete an event, all scheduled items up to that date are removed.


OK... I see now. So "skip" really means postpone or defer.


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