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Conditions and Selectors

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I keep geeting results that do no meet what the script says it should do

(We have numerous clients and finished jobs are placed in folders named "Collected Jobs". I want to archive, to tape, then delete those files but not the folders)


My problem is this: I select the include name of folder exactly matches "Collected Jobs" - the result is some of those folders ("Collected Jobs" but not all) are backed up. In the folders that are backed up not all content is backed up a few folders or files make it . Can anyone shed some light on this issue ?


What is going on-



Thanks Paul

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To be clear, are you acutally using the Retrospect Archive function, or are you just using the term 'archive' to describe your ideal setup?


Within Retrospect, Backup and Archive have similar attributes but are different operations. Knowing which function you are using will help isolate the problem.


Have you 'checked' your selector? Selectors can be tricky, and it's really important to make sure they are behaving the way you want them to. Go to Configure > Selectors, and edit (or create) your selector. Use the Check Selector feature from the Selectors drop-down menu. This will allow you to see if you've set it up correctly - better to know ahead of time then to wait until the backup/archive runs. Check it against each volume. Anything with a check mark next to the name indicates it will be copied in the next operation.

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Yes, I am using the Archive Function. I do think you have helped resolve my issue. I had not created the specfic selector, I was just using the condition function as I created the script. I have created the specfic selector and added the conditions, according to the "Test selector" it will work.


In addition, my test for checking the script was to back a few gig to tape, then stop the backup and look at the snapshot. I think the snapshot was not an accurate represetive of what I was getting, due to my stopping the backup.


Thank you very Much


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I am still having trouble in thes area, I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or I am facing a bug.

It seem to me that someoone would have done this before. I simply want to Archive folders named "Collected Jobs" from various folders on the server.



The problem is if I create a selector that states -Archive Enclosing Folder (that) contains "Collected Jobs". The folder and contents above the selected folder (collected Jobs) still gets backed up .

The folder structure is as follows: Company - folder 1, folder2, collected jobs ( collected jobs contains various folders that I do want Archived)


How do I eliminate the folders above in the Archive ?




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