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Incorrect "Automatic execution unexpectedly terminated" message

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I back up a single Mac OS X computer to a file on a Windows 2000 server using a scheduled script each night. I have Retrospect preferences set to shut off the computer after the backup runs. When I start up the computer the following morning, I get an alert box with the message "From Retrospect: Automatic execution unexpectedly terminated (possibly due to a power failure or system crash)." However, I check the Retrospect log and the backup actually completed just fine with no errors or other indication of premature termination.


I see other posts regarding this error message, but they all have to do with actual termination of the backup. My backups work fine; I seem to be getting a false positive error message. I can't just ignore the messages without taking the time to open the application and check the log in case there really was an error. Is the automatic shutdown confusing the application into thinking it shut down before the backup finished?

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Is the automatic shutdown confusing the application into thinking it shut down before the backup finished?



Yes. You can watch how Retrospect shuts down by remotely connecting (via ssh) and seeing the unix "shutdown" command being given (that command goes out to all shell users to give them the opportunity to log out). It's not a very graceful way shut down a Macintosh.


Whatever system is used to track power failures must be kicking in from this. But the backup itself is fine; it's the error that's wrong.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Does v5.1 fix the buggy OS X shutdown process? In v5.0 when a script runs in the auto shutdown mode, the Mac is shut down abrubtly, generating an error message from Retrospect when you launch it after restarting the computer, and resulting in the Finder losing its most recent window positions and other settings that would be saved in a clean shutdown. Does v5.1 shut the computer down cleanly as prior Retrospect versions did in earlier Mac OS versions?

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  • 3 months later...

I have also been experiencing the same problems with my OS9.2.2 desktops here. I have two desktops, both using their own TBU drive, and each of them locks up with that same error message. I am running 5.0.238 on each machine. Your last post states that the problem is fixed, but I am still experiencing it while running the most recent build. Can you please expand on your last post? What version contains the fix, what do I need? Thanks.

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I am still experiencing it while running the most recent build. Can you please expand on your last post? What version contains the fix, what do I need?



Dantz made the change in version 5.1 (currently at 5.1.175) to how the sytem shutdowns (although apparently it no longer works at all under OS X 10.3).



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