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How to move catalog


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What's the best way to move the catalog?


I do not find an option in Retrospect to specify the location of the catalog.


If I just move the critter, will Retrospect ask me where to find the catalog, next time I use Retrospect?


Is there a better way?

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You are right that the section is not called "moving my catalog files" but these steps should be clear.


2. Copy the Catalog Files (with name

extensions .rbc and .rbf) from the old backup

computer to the new computer.

NOTE: The default location that Catalog Files

are saved is ..\My Documents\ Retrospect

Catalog Files.


4. Next, you must force Retrospect (on the new

backup computer) to recognize the Catalog

Files you just moved.

The easiest way to do this is to select all of the

catalogs in the Windows Explorer, and drag

them onto the Retrospect application icon.

Retrospect opens a Backup Set configuration

window for each Catalog, causing it to

recognize the catalogs.

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There are a number of places in the book that explicitly specify the "default" location for the catalog.


It would have made sense to also explicitly state how to change that location.


Not to mention, changing the overall design of the book, e.g., there could be a single, say, appendix listing defaults and how to change each. That would make the book a lot easier to maintain, i.e., there would need to be only one place to update each bit of info. And, in my not so humble opinion, such an organization would make the book easier to use for most people.


Heck, this ain't the place to discuss the book's design. Anyway, it is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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