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Dantz- extend the OS X plugin!

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Dear Dantz,




Due to the fact that the elem.c-812 errors are making Retro 5 USELESS for a large number of users, would you please make a time-extended OS X plugin for Retro 4.3, IMMEDIATELY? Surely it shouldn't require more than updating the date check within the plugin and publishing a download link.




These consistency check errors have forced me to revert to Retro 4.3, where I can no longer back up my OS X machines, but this is a better option than application halts that keep my entire network from being backed up. If you can extend the OS X backup timeframe, many of us could get by until you figure out the problems that should have been found before the product was released, and will help mend the damaged trust this release has caused.




Thank you,


Steve Yuroff



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The old (Aug-99) public beta Retrospect client for Mac OS X is little more than a hack. It was released as a favor to the Mac community, since Apple had, for the first time in 10 years, shipped an operating system without support for backup software. We do not consider it to be a reliable backup option, and we suggest that users don't count on it for their sole means of backup.




I will be flabbergasted if we don't have a fix for the elem.c-812 assert soon.

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Depends what your definition of soon is. I reported this bug the first day 5.0 was released or at least attempted to. The bug does not even show up in your knowledge base. At least you could do that once you are aware of a show stopping problem for quite a few users.




Peter Haase


Los Alamos National Laboratory

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Have you tried turning file sharing off on the client machines before starting the backup with Retrospect 5.0? Doing so has allowed me to successfully backup both OS 9 and OS X clients. I know this is a nuisance, but it would be far better than relying on the old plugin for a backup.

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Can't turn off file sharing because I need to back up an Appleshare server. So I either run 4.3 and am able to back up my main file server and not the 4 machines running OSX or I use Retrospect 5.0 and can backup all machines except my main fileserver. The OSX machines lose because the main fileserver is the most important machine on the network.

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Exactly! I can't turn off file sharing on my ASIP servers either. Now my powerbook and another mac in the office are running without a saftey net, but if you'd just extend the time on the "hack", we could at least have SOMETHING in case disaster struck. I can't believe it's very hard to do that! These aren't mission critical machines for me, but excretion occurs. This is why we backup, after all.




I'm past flabbergasted, Eric. I paid money for a product that doesn't work, and wasn't ready to be shipped. I feel like a sucker. And an unpaid beta tester.

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Well, Eric, I guess you are flabbergasted, because it is now April 5th, and there is still no patch. This is driving many people, including myself, crazy. We need to backup our main AppleshareIP servers. The workaround does not work for those machines.





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I am also very unhappy with the Dantz version 5 backup software. It started with the forced upgrade to the Server edition - inorder to backup my ASIP server (Version 4.3 did this with no problem). And now, even with the $350 upgrade, I can't backup anything!! Dantz - you rock!




I have been using Retrospect since the beginning, and up until now, I have been very satisfyed. This version 5 "upgrade" is a joke. Dantz please get your stuff together so that sys admins like myself can sleep easier knowing our company's data is backed up by software that works.




Van Franklin







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What's worse, is that Dantz doesn't seem to care that thay have a bunch of pissed off customers.




There was bad decision after bad decision made with this upgrade. I think that is pretty apparent from a few minutes of reading these forums (do the management read these at all... or just the tech support folks???).




I also agree that at least the Beta version allowed it to do 'simple' backups with v4.3.... which is all we really needed. We're on v5 now, after some painful messing around... and although its mostly working, we're not all that happy with the how it took place, and the customer support before, durring, and even now, after this all went down.




I was planning on buying a copy for my home machines as well, but I'm now looking into other options. As I also mentioned in another thread, at least one group in our company has ditched Dantz, and others, including us are also thinking about it.




Get with it guys!






Operations Engineer







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Dantz has released a minor update to Retrospect Backup version 5.0 that all customers should download and install.




This update fixes a problem that caused all Retrospect Backup 5.0 editions running under Mac OS X to continually increase their memory usage while any LaunchCFMApp process was running. (LaunchCFMApp is a process used in Mac OS X to open Carbon applications.)




This update also fixes a problem that caused Retrospect Desktop, Workgroup, and Server Backup 5.0 editions running under Mac OS 9 to assert failure (with "elem.c-812") when backing up a client AppleShare IP Server or a client computer that has personal file sharing turned on. (This issue does not affect Retrospect Express installations.)




Retrospect Express 5.0 Updater:






Retrospect Desktop/Workgroup/Server 5.0 Updater:






Thank you.




Irena Solomon


Dantz Tech Support

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