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Disaster Recovery Backup Sets - 6.0


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When recently performing a disaster recovery, I was not given the option to locate a more recent backup set (catalog file) than the one on the DR CD. Unless I wanted to use the original old DR CD backup set, I was only given the option of rebuilding the catalog file from the tape, whick took forever.

I always save my latest catalog file to a zip disk and 2nd hard drive, but I saw no way of accessing it in the DR process. Am I missing something here? Surely there must be a way of using a recent backup set without creating a nw DR CD every time.

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It's nice to know I'm not alone. It appears that you can rebuild a catalog file from your most recent backup media (which can take a long time), but it doesn't seem to allow you to browse to another catalog file that already exists on another disk.

Perhaps I'll just keep re-posting the question until we can get a clear answer!


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Well, of course this isn't easy to test again unless I have another need to do a Disaster Recovery, but I'm almost positive that 6.0 DR did not give the the option of browsing to another pre-existing catalog file. Indeed, the "more" button only appeared to allow me to "recreate" a backup set from media (in my case, tape). I don't recall seeing the "open" button to browse for an existing catalog file, like in a normal "non-DR" restore. Perhaps

someone at Dantz can actually try this to confirm that it does or does not in 6.0. If I am correct, can I be assured that it has been corrected in the DR process with new version 6.5?

Bottom line is why spend all that time re-creating a backup set from media if I have the appropriate latest catalog file safely on another hard disk, zip disk or CD-R disk?

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I just v6.5 on 12 June 2003


I was planning on doing the following test, hopefully, this week:


1. Do a full backup to a file backup set on a USB external drive.

2. Create another file backup set on the same, or another, USB external drive, but include only a few selected files in that backup set.

3. Create a DR CD-ROM based on the full backup set.

4. Try booting from the CD-ROM to see whether I can recover from the 2nd partial backup set.

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Did you ever get a chance to test whether or not version 6.5 will enable you to select another. or more recent, catalog file (without recreating from media) during the Disaster

Recovery restore process? I don't think this can be done in version 6.0, so if it can be done in 6.5, it may be enough justification to purchase the upgrade.



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The DR does allow one to choose which backup set and snapshot to restore, subject to two constraints:


1. The chosen snapshot must be a bootable logical drive with an installed OS.

2. The backup device, obviously, has to be known, which is not so useful if the USB hard drives cannot be accessed until one does the more "fully-functional" temporary OS.


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