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OS 9.2.2/IE client problems after backup?


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I recently began using Retrospect Workgroup to back up about 12 OS 9.2.2 clients to a server. I'm using the latest Retrospect Client on the client machines.


The backups have been going on for about two weeks now (a daily backup of the System: Preferences folder), and some of my users are complaining that when they open Internet Explorer 5.1.6, IE freezes up. In each case, they have to reboot their machines at least 4-5 times before IE becomes usable.


The only recent changes to these particular clients has been the addition of the Retrospect client and the Apple Remote Desktop 1.2 client.


Has anyone seem something similar, or know of a solution?





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I have never seen this with the Retrospect Client. I have run 9.2.2 at work and at home for a long time until I made the complete switch to OS X after Jaguar came out.


Check the following on the client and server:


For proper TCP/IP backups of a Macintosh client, you should change a default setting in the TCP/IP control panel. Open the TCP/IP control panel and choose User Mode from the Edit menu. Select the Advanced user mode and click OK. Click the Options button, uncheck the "Load only when needed" checkbox, and click OK. Close the TCP/IP control panel and save changes. Restart



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