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Creating New Backup Sets Locks Up Computer


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Because of another problem, I had to uninstall and reinstall Retrospect Express. This corrected my OneTouch problem. However, now I have another. In trying to create a new backup set for my "D" drive, I get a small window entitled "Device Scan" and after about 10 seconds of the clock turning, things completely stop at "Checking Device ID CD:0" and Windows XP Professional hangs up. Ctrl-Alt-Del is of no help and won't close the "Not Responding" Retrospect. I must reboot. I tried this several times with the same result. Incidentally, restore is always turned off. Can anybody give me a clue as to what to do here? Thanks.

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As mentioned in my original cry for help, my Restore System is always disabled since using Retrospect Express. After my last note about USB ports, I remembered that I have a HP PhotoSmart film scanner also connected to a USB 1.0 port. Does the Device Scan always locking up on "Device ID CD:0" indicate that the problem has something to do with my USB ports/drivers? Thanks.

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I physically disconnected the HP PhotoSmart S20 Photo Scanner USB cable and it did not fix the problem. While creating a new backup set, the Device Scan hung up on Device ID CD:0 requiring me to do a forced reboot. Does device ID CD:0 provide any clue or would that vary for each computer? Put another way, if we knew what Retrospect Express identifies as ID CD:0 while scanning, that might help us understand what is going on. Incidentally, the HP Scanner does not use Compact Flash or Smart Media Readers.

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In your original email, you said



Because of another problem, I had to uninstall and reinstall Retrospect Express




What was that probelm?


If you have media in the CD drive during the device scan try removing it first.

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The problem is discussed in a previous post of mine (#23043) entitlid "Error 1102" along with the only reply (mine) indicating what I finally had to do to resolve the problem. There have never been any media in my 2 CD drives when I run Retrospect Express.

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Try downloading the free utility ID.EXE from www.grc.com:




This is a small utility that is less then 20k and does not require an installation. Download it and see if this program causes the computer to lock.


From grc.com:

ID.EXE runs under Windows 95/98, and NT 3.51/4/2000 and XP (Not Win32s or WinCE). Operating through the ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface), ID.EXE shows the SCSI and ATAPI devices in your system, detailing their SCSI ID's, device type, manufacturer, description, internal revision number, and whether the media is fixed in place or removable.

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Thanks for your input. Because of the backup problems I was having with the external drive (Maxtor OneTouch), I went out and purchased a new INTERNAL drive. I had a HighPoint PCI Rocket 133 Ultra DMA/ATA 133 interface card not connected to any drive that I hooked up to my new drive. I had used that interface when I cloned my flaky "C" drive then removed the cloned drive to become my new "C" drive and left the controller unterminated. After installing my new INTERNAL drive, I decided to try the backup again of my "D" drive to the external "E" drive. Much to my surprise, it worked but I don't know why. So, all is well except that I have no idea what was going on and caused the lock up of my computer every time I tried to do a back up as originally reported. Could the trouble have been the unterminated PCI IDE controller? Connecting my new drive to the unterminated controller is the only change I made in the configuration of my computer that I know of.


Anyway, all is well that ends well but it remains a mystery to me. laugh.gif

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