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Need help determining which DVD/RW drive to get.

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One of my colleagues at work is using Retrospect 6.0 and he would like to back up his A/V files to a DVD. He's using retrospect on a AVID system. We've tried using a Pioneer DVR-105 and it doesn't recognize it (very dissapointed).


We're looking into getting the Sony DRU-500A for the system this time.

Here are some questions before actually purchasing the drive:

1). What media (DVD+R/DVD+RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW) can he use to back up his data that will be supported?

2). Will the media be able to be played on a different DVD drive (on a computer or on a consumer dvd stand alone player)?

3). Are there any other issues that I need to tell him concerning using Retrospect 6.0 with the Sony DRU-500A drive? (I know there's a issue with the long erasing of the rewriteable media, just wondering if there is anything else I need to know about)


Lastly, I would like to point out how unhappy I am about the hardware support that is available for the back-up software. My colleague used to have a Pioneer DVR-103 and now he can't use it anymore because he can't backup to it (not supported). Called Dantz technical support and the person said that if the Pioneer DVR-104 is supported...chances are the Pioneer DVR-105 will be supported.....NOT TRUE! And just recently found out after reading a thread on the forum that even Pioneer DVR-104 will not work. Only the Compaq DVR-104 will work. Wot gives!!!!!!


So after purchasing 2 expensive DVD-R drives....and none of the two will work....we have to spend another $350 for another drive. Seriously.....if there is any Dantz people reading this forum.....you people better start providing better support.


Anyway....thanks for letting me rant!



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The DRU-500A supports CD-R, CD-RW, HS CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW. For maximum performance with Retrospect, use DVD+R or DVD+RW media. Backup performance with these media types will yield significantly increased write speeds over CD-R/RW and DVD-R/RW media types.


To read the media on another computer you'll need Retrospect and a compatible DVD-R burner. Backup Disks cannot be read in a DVD-ROM drive.



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Amy, Dantz's lack of support for DVD-R drives is downright ridiculous. I mean, after over two years on the market and huge market share, you guys have support for maybe two drives, one of which is a proprietary, rare Compaq model?!


What gives? Is Dantz serious about supporting popular hardware that its customers use? Or should we be expected to buy new hardware from a limited list just to use with your software?


I have been waiting a long time for support of the Pioneer DVR-104 / DVR-A04 (NOT COMPAQ!) and still nothing. Yet, you focus your efforts on DVD+RW which is a format that has penetrated LESS of the PC market! DVD+RW is beating DVD-RW in the CONSUMER market but that's not where Retrospect is used, is it?


Honestly, if you guys don't get some decent (READ: additional, significant) support for DVD-RW products soon, I'll be buying my backup software from another vendor and won't be recommending Retrospect to anyone else.


Thanks for forwarding these comments on the the support manager and product manager.

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Some of these drives are taking longer to qualify and release drivers then we would like. Until drive qualification is completed, it would be irresponsible for Dantz to promise support, just in case a serious device bug is found that prevents support. The safety of your data is our number one concern, and we can't compromise or cut corners in a way that could result in dataloss.


Dantz releases new driver updates about once a month, and a new driver update is coming soon.


Dantz is also working very hard on a new version of Retrospect that will make CD-R and DVD-R qualification much faster and easier allowing us to support a larger number of devices.

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  • 7 months later...


AmyJ said:

The DRU-500A supports CD-R, CD-RW, HS CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW. For maximum performance with Retrospect, use DVD+R or DVD+RW media. Backup performance with these media types will yield significantly increased write speeds over CD-R/RW and DVD-R/RW media types.





Steffan said:

Amy, You recommended a Lite-On CD-RW Drive LTR-52246S to me. It works well writing CDR. Performance: 145.0 MB/minute (282.2 copy, 97.8 compare). Will the Sony DRU-500A using DVD+R or DVD+RW work as fast? Can you give me the approximate numbers?



Does anyone have any copy/compare numbers on the Sony DRU-510A, or DRU-510UL? What's the best, fastest or cheapest (per MB) DVD media? DVD+R? or DVD-R?

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