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Error!!!! Scanning incompete, error -108 (not enough memory)

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Am trying to Duplicate a volume on an OS X Server 10.2.4 to a local volume on OS X 10.2.4. I get the error in the subject - -108 (not enough memory) every time I attempt the operation. Retrospect client is 5.0.536, retrospect server is 5.0.236.


What might this message mean? Each machine has a 1GB or more of main memory and 20GB or more of free disk for swap.






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I was duplicating a volume. There was no backup set nor sessions.


However the same error occurs when I try a Backup to a new set.


It looks like the status window shows 32K or more folders and 3,397 files before it disappears and displays the error message.






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I downloaded Retrospect w/Clients 5.0.238 Updater from http://dantz.com/index.php3?SCREEN=support_by_product&ACTION=SUPPORT_BY_PRODUCT&id=19. It created a folder named Retrospect 5.0.238 from which I ran the installer. /Applications/Retrospect 5.0/Restropsect was updated (per the Date Modified.) However when launched, About Retrospect... reports it as 5.0.236.


I repeated with Retrospect 5.0.238 Updater. Same deal. It calls itself 5.0.236.


In any event the error happens with the lastest version available which may be 5.0.238 but shows 5.0.236.


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Ah. Thanks.


[late:~] ber% ls -l /Library/Preferences/Retrospect/

total 632

-rwsrwxr-x 1 root admin 256156 Mar 19 17:13 LaunchRetroHlper

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 5323 Mar 19 22:41 Operations Log

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 48036 Mar 19 22:08 Retro.Config (5.0)

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 3808 Mar 19 22:08 Retro.Icons (5.0)

-rw-rw---- 1 root admin 578 Mar 19 18:09 retrorunfile



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I ended up moving a directory containing 115,00 files in 29,000 directories to another volume and the Duplicate succeeded. Then I moved the directory back to the original location and the Duplicate again succeeded. Go figure.


Thanks for your help.




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I am having the same problem. During the scanning files phase, Retrospect skips one of my hard disks because it says it runs out of memory. I am running 5.0.238. I tried removing the retro.config file. This didn't fix anything. There is 768 MB of RAM in the machine I'm using and two 80 GB hard disks. Everything used to work fine then it suddenly stopped. OS version is OS 10.1.5. Are there any other possibilities?

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