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Restoring From Tape

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I am trying to restore a single file(it's about 700 megs) from a tape backup I have on a DLT4500. The backup set name is Daily Backup. When I click "OK" to tell Retrospect to start the restore, it starts looking for 1-Daily Backup. It goes through all 5 tapes, and insists every time that 1-Daily Backup is there, when in fact it is. Most times, it's actually the tape that's in the drive currently being read. This is really frustrating, and I was wondering if anyone can give me some pointers.

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What happens if you manually move the tape into the drive slot - it is used?


This may be a tape with the same name (1-Daily Backup) that Retrospect is looking for, but it may not be the right tape.


Go to Configure > Devices. Put 1-Daily Backup in the drive. Is the "m" icon dark with a white "m" or is it greyed out or white in color with a black "m"?

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I'm not sure what you mean by manually. Do you mean moving the tape "1-Daily Backup" by dragging it in using Retrospect, then yes I have.


I am aware that it's more than the name that matters. How would the contents be wrong, though? These tapes don't leave the drive.


The icon is dark with a white m.

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What exactly do you see on screen when this problem is happening. Is it a media request dialog? Do you have a progress bar or a media request dialog? Please be as specific as possible.


If the tape is in the drive, what is the tape status displayed in the window?


If Retrospect is asking for 1-BU Set A and you have 1-BU Set A in the drive but nothing is happening, then it could be that you have two tapes identically named but with different creation dates.


Try rebuilding the catalog file.

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