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Retrospect 6.0 hangs on device scan after SCSI adapter driver update?


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Any thoughts why a perfectly good running Retrospect 6.0 Server would hang on a device scan after upgrading the SCSI card driver. The SCSI adapter is an Adaptec 39160. Also as soon as you launch Retrospect the actual Win2K server performance degrades terribly and you can not 'End Process' the Retrospect application.


Any help muchly appreciated.

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When I first installed my Retrospect 6.0 on a Dell Poweredge 2650, I was getting terrible results from my Adaptec 39160. My throughput was something like 128 MB/min -- way too slow for a multi-gigabyte backup. The blame was placed by tech support on the throughput being on one card (despite it having 2 channels). I later added a second 39160 -- one for my AIT-3 tape drive and the other for my Cybernetics InstaRAID IDE drive and my throughput was about the same. I later went to the Dell site and discovered that my Adaptec driver was outdated and I upgraded it to the latest version. That improved my throughput to 658 MB/min. I decided to update my AIT-3 driver and I now have peak throughput at 1000 MB/min.


Drivers make a difference!

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An update after my last post:


I updated my Retrospect Drive Update file to version 3.7 and it caused my AIT-3 tape data to be unrecognized. I tried manually erasing the tape and Retrospect said that the tapes were unusable due to dirty heads or tape damage. I went back to the RDU 3.5 version and the tapes were again recognized and the backup ran fine. blush.gif

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