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Trouble in Retrospect: Internal consistency check failed

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I am running on a DP 867 PowerMac and a Firewire LaCie DVD-RW (based on the Pioneer DVR-104 version 1.32, driver Pioneer DVD/CD-RW (5.01)). I am running Mac OS X 10.2.4 and Retrospect 5.0.238. When I started a backup to the DVD-RW drive I get through the first disk, it asked me for a second disk. I insterted a blank disk and Retrospect worked on it a while and then gave me a dialog box with the error:


Trouble in Retrospect:

Internal consistency check failed:

Assertion check at "elem.c-812"


Has anyone else seen this problem? I assume the drive should work since it is the same drive apple uses (or are there firmware issues when I get it from a 3rd party?).

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I just read the Technote you referenced, "Macintosh Internal Consistency Check and Configuration Errors." I especially liked this part:


"Running Retrospect immediately following an error of this type without a system restart may leave Retrospect or even Windows in an unstable state."


That is really something! I can cause Windows to become unstable by running Retrospect on my Mac, after a chunk checksum error!



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I didn't see this, but having reviewed it now I am no closer to an answer. All it says is that this occurs when you minimize the volumes browser (which I was not doing) and that one cause of the problem was fixed in 5.0.205 (I am running 5.0.238) and that another cause was fixed in RDU 2.6a (I am running with 3.2.104).


I have in the meantime started another backup which ran to completion without (apparent) problems.



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