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Catalog Rebuild Time


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Using Retrospect 8 for Mac. Doing a catalog rebuild that is still running after 48 hours. The backup files total 149GB. The rebuild shows 92GB completed. Is this right? Is a process that takes this long even practical? The backup files are on a firewire drive directly connected to my iMac.

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How many Past Backups were in the set? Do you recall how many *files* were in the set?


The *size* of the set doesn't matter as much as the # of backups/files in the set as to the speed.


48 hours seems long. Is the time stamp on the catalog file still changing? If not, maybe the process isn't actually running any longer? If you quit/restart the *console* -- is the job actually done?


I don't recall any catalog rebuilds taking more than 18 hours (and that was with something that had 4M files in it...)


And I always rebooted the engine computer prior to doing a rebuild of a large set (if that helps.)

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261,000 files. It finally errored out with the following in the log:


+ Executing Recatalog at 2/16/2010 3:10 AM

To Media Set Current...


!Can't save Catalog File, error -1124 ( invalid NTFS data)


!Can't save Media Set Current, error -1124 ( invalid NTFS data)

2/18/2010 10:48:05 PM: Execution incomplete

Completed: 261264 files, 123.7 GB

Performance: 31.3 MB/minute

Duration: 2 19:20:13 (00:07:33 idle/loading/preparing)



Don't understand the nNTFS error as this is strictly files on a MAC.

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