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What is the plan for cleaning this mess up?

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I am not trying to start a flame war in any way. But I think while it is a tough question, it really requires an honest answer from the Retrospect management team.


As has been discussed infinitum, it was tough enough to see Retrospect 6.x whither on the vine. Now, to see Retrospect 8 not get timely updates that nip the basic requirement of stability in the bud, just adds insult to injury.


I feel this way, because I was, once upon a time, always able to rely on Retrospect to do its job. Granted, I don't think I have been able to say that with confidence since OS 9.


With the beginning of a new year, I am hoping that Retrospect can get a new lease on life that it desperately needs.

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Well, I found this nugget in the forum filed under "Email" from Robin...


[color:brown]We have been focusing on stability improvements and not new features. We have 2 releases on the schedule right now, the 2nd of those releases will contain new features. It is unclear what all of those features will be.


The first of the two releases contains over 200 bug fixes. [/color]

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while it is a tough question, it really requires an honest answer from the Retrospect management team


Well, good luck with that in a user-to-user community forum. As far as I can recall there has never been a post by an upper level EMC manager here, and while the product manager for Retrospect posted a bit over the last year it's not really in his job description to wander around these threads.


I'm confident that Robin does an admirable job of sifting through the Sturm und Drang in some of these posts and bringing the issues to the attention of the management and engineers.


According to post #133150 Robin suggests that an update is slated for this month with more updates to follow.


I don't now if Iomega/EMC-2 is going to be showing at Macworld this year, but if they do it will give a chance for some Floor Zombies such as myself to ask some of the harder questions face-to-face.

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I don't now if Iomega/EMC-2 is going to be showing at Macworld this year, but if they do it will give a chance for some Floor Zombies such as myself to ask some of the harder questions face-to-face.

They aren't in the current list of exhibitors:

Macworld 2010 Exhibitor List

but perhaps they are sharing a booth with another exhibitor.



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There is no doubt that Robin has a herculean task here on this forum. He's a great guy and a long time Retrospect team member. As such, his job, I believe, is to help Retrospect customers and relay information here to engineering and management. To that end, he's done a great job.


But the problems are in engineering and management. It is clear that not enough resources have been dedicated to Retrospect. Case in point, a manual or there lack of. Shareware has better documentation.


In light of the new information that a maintenance update is imminent this month, I just hope that the release nips ALL the nagging bugs reported here on these forums once and for all. Given that backup is normally a mission-critical function, it's paramount that Iomega deliver a near-perfect update.

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