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Workgroup recognising multiple network cards

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I have a frustrating situation involving a customer who has purchased Retrospect MAC W/g backup. They have installed the software on a server which is running two ethernet cards, and now the software (in their words) "won't recognise either one".




Basically, their problem is that they need a "server" product for MAC, and Retrospect simply isn't providing them with this at this stage. Is there a patch available to fix this problem? Why is this not detailed anywhere in the product information either on the website, or with the product?




If they were running a Windows product I would upgrade or crossgrade them at my cost in a second, but as you can see, there isnt really a way to do this in this situation.




Any ideas or information would be much appreciated. Excuse my lack of knowledge on the internal workings of these products, I am only a lowly sales rep.

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The Macintosh OS 9.x does not allow for true multihoming the way Windows does, allowing the user to use two ethernet cards at the same time. On the Macintosh, the current network card is controlled via the TCP/IP control panel. Retrospect uses the card you select in the TCP/IP control panel.

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