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What is the REAL upgrade Price????


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The upgrade matrix:


currently shows one can upgrade from Professional 7.6 to Disk-to-Disk for $229.

It shows you can upgrade from Professional 7.0 to Professional for $59.00. It does NOT show that Professional 7.6 can be upgraded to Professional 7.7. It stops at 7.0 for upgrade to Professional. What??????


I see forum messages talking about $29 or $49., problems with licensing codes, problems with client licenses, and still no UI when auto-launched.


WHEN will this outfit get it together for the Windows versions??? :eyes:

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  • 4 months later...
I see forum messages talking about $29 or $49., problems with licensing codes, problems with client licenses, and still no UI when auto-launched.


I paid $29 to upgrade from 7.6 to 7.7 when I upgraded my computer from XP Pro (32bit) to Windows 7 (64 bit).


I'm still seeing the "no UI when auto-launched" problem with 7.7.


See Topic#33739. http://forums.dantz.com/showtopic.php?tid/33739/


I'm seeing this issue when Retrospect launches from a service and has any kind of hang-up, rather than when I launch Retrospect directly.


In XP, with Retrospect 7.6, when I logged in, I'd see Retrospect running in the system tray and I'd be able to launch the GUI and correct anything. Now that I'm running 7.7 in Win7 64-bit, I just get the monitor and have no way of correcting the issue without killing the old session and starting a new one. Just seems like Vista and Windows 7 work differently than XP and EMC hasn't updated their software accordingly.

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