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Cannot Connect to Backup Engine - again

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I have MBP running 10.6.2 and Retrospect 8.1626. The laptop runs the Console and the Engine. There are 2 Clients; a G4 (10.4.11) and an older PC (XP SP3). Gigabit ethernet connects all of them to an airport Extreme.


I had few problems when I ran 10.5.8, but had 2 weeks of successful backups. As soon as I upgraded to 10.6.2 the console window is grayed out, there is a lock icon next to the server's IP address, and my clients aren't seen.


I've taken the following steps attempting to remedy the problem:

Ran Disk First Aid, no problems

ran the uninstall script

manually removed the folder /Library/Application Support/Retrospect

removed tom/Library/Preferences/com.emc.Retrospect.plist

reinstalled 8.1626 and engine

restarted laptop

started Retrospect (it did not ask for my serial #)

My screen still looks like this: http://web.me.com/drolett/Site_3/Blank.html


I performed these same tasks 2 days ago and was able to get up and running. This morning I'm back to dead in the water. FWIW, I have an external drive with my old 10.5.8 install cloned onto it. I can get the program to run If I boot from this drive and use its preferences, etc. This is not a practical solution though.


What am I doing wrong?



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  • 3 weeks later...

I have similar problems. The retrospect console was working fine until Friday, when I mistakenly selected the Remove option in the gear wheel. This presumably disconnected the console from the engine, removing all information about backups and scripts, leaving me with a screen that just says, Welcome to Retrospect!


It is supposed to connect to the engine automatically (it is running on the same machine after all), but it doesn't. Proof that Retrospect is utterly broken comes when I select preferences/licenses and see a blank screen with the deadly words "not online". The last time I reported this, support staff had nothing to say. I hope by now they have worked out what this means.

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