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Open File Backup Hangs - Then Retrospect Does Not Quit


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I am using Retrospect 7.6 in a very simple environment. I have just my own PC and an external drive, which is where my backups are stored. My operating system is Windows XP and it gets updated automatically with the latest patches. My internal drive is 60GB with about 16GB free. My external drive is partitioned, and there is a minimum of 35GB available in each partition.


Several weeks ago, this started to happen: Scheduled Retrospect scripts would start and I would get a message "Preparing for Open File backup", and it would sit there forever, or as long as I let it. I would stop the script, and then do File==>Exit and Retrospect would show "Exiting......." in its status bar, and it would sit there until I finally used Ctrl-Alt-Del to force quit it.


Initially, I got by this by rebooting and waiting until all scheduled scripts had finished and then using the PC. Now, even that does not work.


I looked in the log and this message is there:

VssWBuildSnapshotSet: StartSnapshotSet failed, winerr -2147212522, error -3042


I know I have done some things like renamed some folders, but I also have checked that those renames have been accommodated within the scripts.


My company has auto-update privileges on my PC and I know some new software has been installed over time, but I cannot tell you what or when. In addition, Windows updates get installed frequently.


What is going wrong? What can I look for?

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As I said, I went into the Windows Event Viewer, which I assume is where I am supposed to be. I looked at every entry I could find in there and did not find anything such as you said to look for.


If you could give me a bit more detail about how to pull up the correct viewer, and then specifically what sections to look in, I will do that.

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I have the same problem as you describe and have been working with Stuart at EMC with out success. I downloaded 2.5 x2 and had the same problem. I also experienced the inability to terminate the back up without re booting. Ran great for 5 years with my Maxtor HD then it hung. Have down loaded 2.5 and 6.5 and 7.6 all with the same problem.


reformated the HD still could not get it to recognize the HD and transfer the data. The HD does show up in My Computer so it is recognized by the desk top. I would expect some further help from RS to resolve this issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That is not an error I typically see. Retrospect uses a Microsoft process to backup open files. Typically if it fails then something on the computer is blocking our access to the VSS process or VSS isn't working. Does a computer restart help?


Do you have any other backup or disk imaging software installed cause could be using the shadow copy/vss services?

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