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no automatic launch

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This topic may have been previously covered but I did not find it in the postings so here goes:

I am having an issue with a scheduled Retrospect backup not automatically launching. The backup will execute manually but I expected some type of notification (open window, bouncing icon, whatever...) when the scheduled backup was to execute but nothing happens and the backup status is listed as "Execution stopped by operator."


specifics: Retrospect v8.1 build 150. OS X v10.5.8


Any ideas? Another question which may be related to the first question: Is Retrospect v8.1 compatible with Spaces Systems Preference? I have it set to run in Every Space. Thanks much.

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The Scheduled backups show up in the Scheduled activity screen. When executed manually to successful conclusion the results show up in Past Backups. When having failed to execute as scheduled the results show up in the Past activity screen. Not certain to what History screen you are referring.

For the failed scheduled backups the Log says:

'Execution stopped by operator' and lists the time spent 'idle/loading/preparing', which ranges from about 2 hours to about 9 hours. Is it simply timing out? Am I incorrect to expect a notification such as what occurred in previous versions?

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The logs for the scheduled Friday backups that failed are:


+ Recycle backup using Backup Frank Spina's Mac at 8/7/2009 10:00 AM

To Media Set Media Set A...

8/7/2009 10:00:01 AM: Recycle backup: The Media Set was reset

8/7/2009 10:00:01 AM: Copying Centocor on Macintosh HD

8/7/2009 11:54:11 AM: Execution stopped by operator

Remaining: 21 files, 9964 KB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 01:54:10 (01:54:10 idle/loading/preparing)


+ Recycle backup using Backup Frank Spina's Mac at 7/31/2009 7:01 PM

To Media Set Media Set A...

7/31/2009 7:01:58 PM: Recycle backup: The Media Set was reset

7/31/2009 7:01:58 PM: Copying Centocor on Macintosh HD

8/1/2009 1:12:15 AM: Execution stopped by operator

Remaining: 21 files, 9964 KB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 06:10:16 (06:10:16 idle/loading/preparing)


+ Recycle backup using Backup Frank Spina's Mac at 7/24/2009 10:00 AM

To Media Set Media Set A...

7/24/2009 10:00:00 AM: Recycle backup: The Media Set was reset

7/24/2009 10:00:00 AM: Copying Centocor

7/24/2009 6:44:37 PM: Execution stopped by operator

Remaining: 21 files, 9964 KB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 08:44:36 (08:44:36 idle/loading/preparing)


I did not stop these logs. In fact I had forgotten that they were supposed to execute.



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specifics: Retrospect v8.1 build 150. OS X v10.5.8


Not very specific, I'm afraid.


- Is the Retrospect Engine running on the same machine as the Retrospect Console application?


- What Type of Media Set is "Media Set A"?


- Was the Retrospect Console application running at 10:00 AM and at 7:01 PM ? (we already know that the Engine was)

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- Is the Retrospect Engine running on the same machine as the Retrospect Console application?


Engine, console, and client are all running on the same sandbox machine.


- What Type of Media Set is "Media Set A"?


Removable zip disks.


- Was the Retrospect Console application running at 10:00 AM and at 7:01 PM ? (we already know that the Engine was)


No. My assumption is that the Console would launch automatically. Am I misinformed? Is there manual intervention required for scheduled backups? This wasn't the case in prior versions.

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The console won't ever launch automatically. All the "work" is done by the engine and runs as it's own process.


The console is just used for viewing stuff/configuring things. Once that part is done, the console doesn't need to be open (and, in fact, things work better if it's *not* running, IMO...)

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The console won't ever launch automatically. All the "work" is done by the engine and runs as it's own process.


The console is just used for viewing stuff/configuring things. Once that part is done, the console doesn't need to be open (and, in fact, things work better if it's *not* running, IMO...)


My expectations were that like the previous Mac versions, in the case of backing up to removable media, the software would prompt the user to say "hey it's backup time" and take them through the process of handling the media. If the Console doesn't automatically launch, what informs the user that a backup is waiting to execute and may require media handling?

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In *that* case, you run the console and manually run your script and it should prompt you accordingly if it's going to involve manual user intervention to insert media.


But the console won't pop open for you.


Many thanks for your help. I'm running this in a sandbox because I was trying to familiarize myself with the new product. I have clients using Macs and the v6.x of Retrospect as per my recommendation. As my clients are upgrading their machines they want to upgrade their software and yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy about Retrospect v8.1. My users are not technical. I'm either going to have to go with a different package or a different media set strategy. Thanks again.

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Well, you could run a cron job (or launchd job) to have the console launch at a particular time.


If Retrospect engine had even minimal external scripting support, it would be trivial to set up a console launch coordinated with the backup, but it has none, not even was was present from Retrospect 4.x to 6.x.



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