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Unable to get Retro 8 to see a client

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In Retro 8 v.150, unable to get Retro 8 to automatically "see" the client Windows Vista SP2 box with client v. 7.6

107. Retro 8 v.150, MacBook Pro 4,1, 10.5.7 and also this issue with 10.5.8. Client is ethernet-cabled to the Apple router, as is the laptop in clamshell mode which has the engine and the console on it.


I follow the movie's procedure to find and add the client, but the client just does not appear, until I add it using the add by address function, then it adds OK. But what if DHCP for some reason changes the client's address? Would Retro 8 then "lose" the client, causing a scheduled backup of the client to not occur?


Don't know if this inability to "see" and "find" the client is a bug or not.



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Is the windows vista client in the same subnet as the MacBook Pro that runs Rerospect?


Have you tried the experiment with Windows and Mac firewalls turned off? (might be wise to disconnect the Apple router from the internet during this experiment because of the attached Windows machine)



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Dear Robin and Russ:

Thank you for your replies.

-Can try, might be a few days, to stop/restart the Retro 8 engine.

-The Mac and the Windows box are on the same subnet.

-Can also try, turning off both the Mac and Windows firewalls. It is wise to disconnect the router from the internet; have heard of XP boxes getting infected in 11 seconds w/o firewall.

-More info not in original post. On the Mac, after this failure to automatically "see" the Windows client, I quit 8, and launch 6.1, and it instantly "sees" the Windows client just 10 seconds after Retro 8 fails to. This makes me think that, unless 6.1 uses different UDP packets than 8, it's not a UDP packet issue. Am I correct in this?

-If the windows client is added manually by IP address, if DHCP changes the client's IP, will that cause Retro 8 to lose the windows client until it is once again added manually?


Again, thanks for the replies. Will try your diagnostic suggestions when I can. Might be a few days. Will post results.



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On the Mac, after this failure to automatically "see" the Windows client, I quit 8, and launch 6.1, and it instantly "sees" the Windows client just 10 seconds after Retro 8 fails to. This makes me think that, unless 6.1 uses different UDP packets than 8, it's not a UDP packet issue. Am I correct in this?

Yes, you are correct. Thanks for the additional information. No need to do the firewall disable test, that issue has been eliminated as a possible problem. It's solely a Retrospect 8 issue on the Mac.


The same subnet also eliminates a lot of issues, too. Thanks for the additional information, I will let Robin handle it from here for the Retrospect 8 bug.



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Upon reflection, I still believe that it's not necessary to perform the "firewall off" test on the Windows client (success with Retrospect 6.1 has eliminated the Windows client firewall as an issue), but I'm not 100% sure that the firewall has been eliminated as a possibility on the Retrospect engine computer. Adding programs to the firewall in Mac OS 10.5.x is a little different than it was in Mac OS 10.4.x, and firewall issues have been reported with Retrospect 8.x and clients.


You might want to perform the "firewall off" test on the Retrospect engine computer.


Also, see this recent post:

FIX for retro 8 not seeing clients



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Dear Russ Walker:

Thank you for your reply.

Removing Retrospect 8.1 v.150 via the provided applescript, then re-installing, allowed Retro 8 console, on the same mac as the engine, to "see" immediately when trying to add as a client, my Windows Vista sp2 box which is on the same local subnet.


FWIW, Leopard's' firewall has already had Retro 6.1 (I checked by having the firewall show the app in the finder) enabled to accept inbound connections. I have Little Snitch enabled, but it presented no issue about any outbound attempts by Retro 8 or 6.


At least this issue is up and solved. Will see if this also helps with the issue of my windows client backing up at 1/10 the speed that Retro 8 backs up my hose mac (which has a USB HD attached to it and is the destination source of both the mac host and windows clients.


Again, thank you.

Brian Weeks

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Removing Retrospect 8.1 v.150 via the provided applescript, then re-installing, allowed Retro 8 console, on the same mac as the engine, to "see" immediately when trying to add as a client, my Windows Vista sp2 box which is on the same local subnet.

Glad your issue was solved. Actually, it's not the console that "sees" the client, it's the engine. The splitting of the GUI from the engine is a bit counterintuitive sometimes as to where events occur. Think of it as the GUI only being that - a graphical interface on the engine - and it's the engine that does all of the chatting with the clients.


FWIW, Leopard's' firewall has already had Retro 6.1 (I checked by having the firewall show the app in the finder) enabled to accept inbound connections. I have Little Snitch enabled, but it presented no issue about any outbound attempts by Retro 8 or 6.

Again, as noted above (and as noted during the beta testing, which perhaps is still ongoing), Retrospect 8 is added a bit differently to the Mac OS 10.5.x firewall than is Retrospect 6. The installer appears to have improved a bit, and the re-installation appears to have done the trick for you.


Will see if this also helps with the issue of my windows client backing up at 1/10 the speed that Retro 8 backs up my hose mac (which has a USB HD attached to it and is the destination source of both the mac host and windows clients.

No, the backup speed will not be affected. I would be interested to see one of those "hose macs".



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