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Retro Engine hung up?

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Not sure if I should post this here or in the bug section, but it appears that my Retrospect Engine hung up sometime between Sunday and today. I was able to connect to it w/ my UI app-- but got no info or feedback once connected-- and noticed that the Engine was using up all free CPU cycles on the backup server. I used System Preferences to quit the Engine, then later restarted it. Here is the log for the time in question. Note there is nothing from the 8/2 entry until the 8/4 relaunch other than the "Wake-on-LAN" entries.




+  Normal backup using Advent User Float at 8/2/2009 6:19 PM (Execution unit 1)
   To Media Set Advent Set Alpha...
   8/2/2009 6:19:29 PM: Copying Macintosh HD on Kevin’s Mac mini
   8/2/2009 7:00:42 PM: Snapshot stored, 60.6 MB
   8/2/2009 7:01:36 PM: Comparing Macintosh HD on Kevin’s Mac mini
   8/2/2009 7:06:48 PM: Execution completed successfully
   Completed: 139 files, 199.5 MB
   Performance: 30.8 MB/minute (25.4 copy, 39.2 compare)
   Duration: 00:47:19 (00:34:23 idle/loading/preparing)

 NetAwakenClient: Sending Wake-on-LAN packet to MAC address 
 !Can't reserve backup client Robin's PC3, error -505 ( unknown).
 NetAwakenClient: Sending Wake-on-LAN packet to MAC address 
 NetAwakenClient: Sending Wake-on-LAN packet to MAC address 
 NetAwakenClient: Sending Wake-on-LAN packet to MAC address 
 !Can't reserve backup client Robin's PC3, error -505 ( unknown).
 NetAwakenClient: Sending Wake-on-LAN packet to MAC address 
 NetAwakenClient: Sending Wake-on-LAN packet to MAC address 
 !Can't reserve backup client Robin's PC3, error -505 ( unknown).
 extgTask: Source polling timed out after 30 mins
 extgTask: Source polling timed out after 30 mins
 extgTask: Source polling timed out after 30 mins
 +  Retrospect version
 Launched at 8/4/2009 5:57 PM

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