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Automatic Use of Tapes in a Media Set

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Current Setup:


I have a media set with 8 tapes added as members within this set. Every week the backup does a Recycle method on Monday followed by a normal backup the following 4 days.


The Issue


Retrospect will always stop when it runs out of tape and request the next tape member within the media set. We have the next tape in the drive all ready, all ready labeled correctly, but Retrospect still requires user interaction to begin using this next tape. With Retrospect 6, it would automatically start using the tape if it was in the drive AND labeled correctly beforehand, but this seems to have changed with version 8.


Is there a setting somewhere where I can tell Retrospect to automatically start writing to the tape without user intervention if A) the tape is all ready labeled with the same name as the tape member Retrospect is looking for. or B) The correctly labeled or blank tape is inserted into the drive?


Thank you,


Jessee Holmes

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We have exactly the same problem with our tape drive.


On a recycle - even though the tape is correctly named and ready to go in the drive - it sits waiting (and eventually times out) unless a user manually goes and clicks "Check Media" and chooses the tape.


The is completely different to how v6 worked and is unacceptable. When a recycle is running in the middle of the night, you cannot have the system waiting for manual interaction.


EMC please fix this ASAP!!!

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