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Backup of ACLs only local?

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We are using Retrospect 8.1.148 on a Xserve 2,8 Quad Xeon running 10.5.7 Server.

The source (another xserve) contains folders with ACLs. When we use the "Copy"-function in Retrospect all ACLs on the destination are gone and there is only posix left.

(Doing this with Retrospect 6.x works fine even though it is not recommended to copy ACLs via Rosetta.)


If I do a "Copy"-process via Retrospect on the machine itself (copy folders from one local disk to another local disk) the ACLs are fine.


Is this a bug, or is there somewhere a hidden option?

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(1) What is the filesystem format of the destination drive?


(2) are ACLs enabled for the destination drive?


(3) Was the destination drive ever part of an older version of OS X that was updated to 10.5.x ? If so, what was the flavor (server, non-server) and version (10.x.x) of the older setup? If so, see (2), above.



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(1) "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"

(2) they are enabled and a "Copy" to that destination drive from a local source copies the ACLs properly.

(3) in the mean time I tested a native 10.4.11 Server (Intel) and native 10.5.7 Client -> no ACLs copied.


Another thing is that Retrospect copies the folders over and over again, even if there is nothing changed.

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(1) "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)"

(2) they are enabled and a "Copy" to that destination drive from a local source copies the ACLs properly.

(3) in the mean time I tested a native 10.4.11 Server (Intel) and native 10.5.7 Client -> no ACLs copied.

Sounds like a bug to me. Reason I asked about the prior versions is that Mac OS 10.4.x non-server had ACLs off by default, and versions before that didn't have ACLs.


Another thing is that Retrospect copies the folders over and over again, even if there is nothing changed.

This is what I would expect because the destination doesn't match the source - the ACLs are different. Might provide some insight into finding the bug.




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Sorry, that was a typo in my last post. Of course I do a copy, not a backup. We need to make copies in order to have a complete fail-over if one server and/or its RAID dies.


I just tried something:

I made a backup (this time for real) from the destination with acls and restored that to a new location, but no acls were backed up/restored.

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Hopefully this bug will be fixed soon, because a backup without ACLs is almost worthless for us.

So we need to stay at Retrospect 6.1. for a while.

It's unclear that Retrospect 6.1 correctly backs up ACLs. See:

State of Backup and Cloning Tools under Mac OS X

Backup Bouncer


I believe that Retrospect 8's support is much improved on this point than Retrospect 6.1, and I understand that the Retrospect 8 developer(s) used (and continue to use) Backup Bouncer as a part of their test suite.


In your particular case, with an Intel Mac, there's the additional complication that Retrospect 6.x is running under Rosetta on your Mac, and also that Retrospect 6.x, because of its historical code base, uses the deprecated Carbon APIs. Rosetta and Carbon have their own issues that are affecting ACLs. Retrospect 8.x, being built on a modern code base, uses neither Rosetta nor Carbon (it uses the Cocoa APIs).


Your bug is something different than total non-support of ACLs.



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