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Manual file selection etc

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Hi all,


Well, I still haven't run a backup on PPC. The problem I come across is file selection. OK, so I made a rule more or less copying exceptions from a Retrospect 6.1 selectors screenshot. The rule is there, but i'm unable to check if it really works prior to hitting start for a backup.


So I wanted to try manual file selection. I select the disk to backup and then the checkmark to select all. Works. However, then it's not possible to deselect the files and folders I don't want.


Going the other way around, meaning select nothing and then everything I want to backup, is a sheer impossible task.


I hope someone understands what I'm trying to say and can shed some light on it. Am I missing something?


Have fun, Hermie

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Aha, so it is supposed to work like I thought. If it does it would make selecting and then saving the results a lot easier.


Thank you very much for keeping track of our issues. For good order I installed Retrospect 8.1 on a PPC Dual G4 1.42 with 2 GB RAM. Extra internal HD, small 30 GB external LaCie FW400 (not in use for backups anymore) and a sometimes mounted 1 TB external FW800 with 2 partitions, from which I plan to use one partition for backups besides the second internal.


Have fun, Hermie

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We have not been able to reproduce the failure.


Robin, I thought this was discussed during Beta and was a known issue.




- Backup Assistant

- Create a Backup

- Select Sources -> Root level of local volume

- Click Browse

- From drop-down sheet, again select root level of volume

- Click Disclosure Triangle to reveal all subdirectories in volume; note all are checked also

- Attempt to de-select any item from list

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Hi again,


OK, so I ran a backup through the Assistant and in the popup selected the rule I made monkeying my exceptions from Retrospect 6.


Compared with 6 it took ages counting file, matching, creating Snapshot and then comparing or whatever. Suddenly it said completed and I thought that can't be right. Well, it said no files needed to be copied, believe it or not. It's the first backup from this disk, so about 80 Gig needs to be copied. Log says copied files 0.


Am I missing something? I suppose tomorow I'll delete the lot and start again. I'm quite puzzled at the moment...


Have fun, Hermie

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Tried again, modified script and got it to work. It's running at the moment. I must say that my first impression isn't very good though, looks like throughput speed is about six times as slow compared with Retrospect 6 on my machine, which would more or less make this version unusable for me. Can't have it take this long to backup just about 80 Gig...


Have fun, Hermie

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