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Speed Up Script

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I have a proactive backup script in which I'm backing up around 50 machines.

However, it seems to be doing about 1 client every 10 minutes or so. And at the rate that's going it will take more time then i wish to backup those clients.

In option i have "Check Source Every 45 SEconds"

"Client Connect every 30 seconds"

"Retry Failure after 5 minutes"

If i made these settings increasingly less amount of time, would it speed up my backup script significantly? (IE. Change Retry Failure from 5 minutes to 30 seconds?)


Thanks for the help.

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Im curious as to what exactly "Waiting for Execution Unit" and "Not Yet Determined" stand for.


I figured Not Yet Determined meant that the dialog was being displayed and the user hasn't submitted a response yet, and is waiting for execution unit, just the initial connection?



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it seems to be doing about 1 client every 10 minutes or so


Do you mean that each backup takes about 10 minutes?


What version of Retrospect are you using?


What type of Macintosh?


What type of media Set?


Waiting for execution unit usually means that a backup or some other media based operation is already running and Retrospect is waiting for that to finish.


Not yet determined means that Retrospect does not know the current status of that source. It will get updated during the polling process.

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I am running Retro 8.1, using a disk media set, on mac osx 2 x 3Ghz quadcore xeon. Also, i mean it takes 10 minutes to do an individual client the entire script would take hours.

However i've realized i may have a larger problem then the amount of time the script takes..


After coming back from a meeting for the last hour i realized that the script had not backed anyone up while i had been gone. I clicked into the script window and saw that the sources from the proactive script were no longer intact. I added the sources again and the script kicked back in, strange.


Any Ideas?


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I decided i wanted to run a normal backup script, once i set the schedule's rule's and options i select the media set and sources, all is well.

However, as soon as i click another schedule, or to another window, the sources get removed from the schedule.

This is happening in Proactive Scripts and Normal Backup scripts.

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I can't seem to reproduce this behavior.


Script type?

Media Set Type?

Schedule type?

How many script when this happens?

What is being selected as a source?


Did you have a prior version of Retrospect installed?


Can you provide more specific steps to reproduce? Maybe post screenshots of what you are seeing.



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In reference to the first issue, "Proactive Script Removing Sources"


Script Type - Proactive Script

Media Set - Disk

Schedule Type - Everyday 8AM-5PM

I am selecting the tag Desktop as a source.

I had previous versions of retrospect installed.


The only specific steps to use in able to reproduce the issue was to make a proactive script, set the schedule to what you require, select the media set, select the desktop tag.


When you click to view any other type of source, a red X will appear next to the first one, indicating that there are no sources listed.



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Retrospect normally does not include a Tag called "Desktop". This is a tag you would have created at some point


Are you sure you have volumes configured to use the Desktop Tag?


You could have corrupt preferences, which is now causing the tag to be dropped from the script.


A bug is open for custom schedules in proactive scripts: The script may fail to start during the scheduled time. Leave the script always active for best results.



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