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Going back to 6 - This is beyond buggy

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Proactive backup doesn't work, standard backup randomly crashes, doesn't list the amount of space on tapes and seems to confuse our LTO-3 requiring us to restart the unit which requires a reboot of our Xserve.


This is unusable and Retrospect should be ashamed of releasing this far too early. I cannot believe that such a mission critical piece of software would be this buggy on release.


Regardless, until we can find a better option, I'll be re-loading Retrospect 6 back onto all our machines.


My question is will the newer client work with 6.0 or do I have to re-load all the clients as well?







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doesn't list the amount of space on tapes


Just thought I'd point out that no software can do this.


Note also that a new build is supposed to be provided next week, which includes PPC support. This promises to be a pretty big change, and hopefully will address many of the outstanding bugs (of which you list only a few).


By all means make sure you have good backups, and if that means using 6.1.x then do so. But come back in a week and see if the new build lives up to its promises. I'm hopeful.




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