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Retrospect seems 'Fragile'

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Having updated Retrospect to the latest version, all, almost seems fine. I have completed two backup runs.


BUT, click say on one of your scripts on the list and move from 'Summary' to 'Sources' to 'Media Sets' click from one to the other quickly and you get a spinning beachball. Leave it alone for 10 minutes and it will catch up and display the correct pane.


Click on one of the choices down the left hand coloumn 'Activities' then Past Backups etc and again, there is a spinning beachball and I have to leave it.


Doesnt inspire confidence.


Any ideas?


Mac OS x (10.5.7)

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I am not seeing spinning beach balls for 10 minutes or even a few minutes.


Is the engine and console installed on the same computer? Do you have backups running when this happens?


Try removing the config80.dat file and let Retrospect create a new one. If that file is corrupt then strange things could happen.


Any errors in the OS X console log when this is happening? What % of the CPU is Retrospect engine and console using?

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Nope back to fragility, booted Mac up this morning, everything is fine with every other app, but R8. Click on 'past backups' then 'scripts' I get the spinning beachball, for 15minutes. Leave it and I get 'scripts'


If the updates dont work next week, it will be uninstalled. I will go back to Backup for Workgroups for PC on VMware



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Mac OS x (10.5.7)


That's a start.


But now would be a reasonable time to detail your setup more thoroughly. Hardware? Configuration (engine + console) ?


I seem to recall some Retrospect 8 setting that exists to better support Core Solo machines. Since Apple only shipped one such Macintosh, is that the one you have?

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I never saw the nice setting make any difference, FWIW.


I, too, get the SPODs sometimes. Not *all* the time -- but more often that I should.


I can't figure out what drives it, either. Sometimes quitting/restarting the console clears it up -- sometimes it doesn't.


Sometimes I can leave a SPOD'ing console alone and magically it starts being more responsive without me doing anything.


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Hi Call Me Dave




16G ram quad 2.66

Retrospect 8.0.736.1

Console well, not sure how to check but its the latest from the website, I tried uninstalling and downoading everuthing again from the website


Perhaps I can set R8 to run on one core only?!


Any help appreciated


Cheers, Douglas

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Only one small change today, I get the spinning beach ball from the start which never clears, just force quit after 1/2 hour or my patience runs out, which ever is the sooner..


When are the updates due, sometime this week?


Retrospect for windows running under VMware runs fine, very stable no issues. Ironically I was trying to remove a layer of complexity by running Retrospect on the Mac, instead of booting the mac, booting VMware, booting windows and then running R7.6...Serves me right


Cheers, Douglas

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