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member disappeared from media set, why?

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This morning I noticed that one of my media sets has lost its only member. The log for the script that writes to the media set now says


"Can't access Media Set Schulz Media, error -1101 ( file/directory not found)Schulz Media, error -1101 (%s)]"


I checked on the server and the files/directory does exist, and everything looks normal. As far as I can tell on the disk nothing has changed. I have 18 other media sets configured the same way on the same disk and no problems with them either.


Is there a way to add the data back to the set? I have 14 backups on the lost member and I don't want to lose them.



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The file is there, but the Locate command doesn't like it. It says "No Catalog found in this location" when I select it. The other catalog files in the same location are all fine. This one must have become corrupted.


Is there a way to recover the data from the set, or do I need to delete it and start over?

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