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Is v.8 for Mac more stable than v7.6 for Windows?

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I have used Retrospect for about 9 years, and it has always been annoyingly unstable. But I continue to repeatedly upgrade because no other backup software has a feature set and interface nearly as good. So I struggle along.


I'm currently using v.7.6 for Windows; Single Server, with about 50 clients and 10 backup sets, 7GB of total data. Typical problems are Retrospect freezing, and catalog files becoming unreadable. This happens at least once a week.


My question is: Is the new version 8 for MacOS significantly more stable than the Windows version? Is it possible that the rewrite for OSX has finally rendered Retrospect a stable program? If so, it would be worth the cost of buying an entirely new copy. But I'm not willing to spend $1000 if it's not any better.


Does anyone know?



P.S. I'm not interested in someone trying to "solve" my instability problems. I've spend hundreds of hours doing that in the proper way and the sad fact is that Retrospect for Windows simply crashes a lot.

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In my experience, and my impression of most of the experiences in this forum, whilst the core operation is very stable the configuration interface (the console) is not so much. If you can coax it into accepting your media sets/scripts/schedules, then the actual running of backups seems to be quite reliable.


Once these bugs have been ironed out I think it will be a very impressive package.

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Thanks for the responses so far!

I don't mind doing workarounds or odd things in the scheduling to get my backups going. I just want Retrospect to still be running and doing backups even if I haven't checked it for a week. So that is encouraging news. I don't have Exchange or critical SQL so that's fine, too.

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