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Disc resource issue

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I have v8 Server running on my Xserve Intel. Ever since I started using this version, my boot disk pace has been dwindling. I save catalogs on an external RAID. I am not running any print services on OS X Server (Leopard) nor is that boot drive sharing any files. My boot drive is down to 1.74 GB (its a 80GB drive) and each event lowers the disk space more. I have run scripts to see what is on the drive and itinial visuals do not add up. Running fsevent now, but not sure how to interpret.

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You might want to try something like WhatSize to locate the space hogs on your disk:



fseventer is good, but only shows the fsevent syscalls as they happen. That makes it a bit difficult to figure out which files are growing unbounded, and really is only the right tool to use when you are trying to figure out what files are being created or modified, etc., by an installer, so that you can create an installation package (or radmind build, etc.).



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Thanks but I am not seeing the value in this program in resolving why Retrospect is causing this to the boot drive of my server. I have another Leopard server NOT running Retrospect and this is not happening.


I left the server with 1.75GB remaining last evening. This morning it has 1.43GB. Again, this boot drive is not sharing any files, this server is not print serving. It is just a OD Master, running Retrospect v8 and sharing files on an XRAID.



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No, I do not know what directory is growing, nor what files they are.


It's like finding a needle in a haystack :)


I am looking into software update server as being a factor but without the specific paths of the files Retrospect creates, I cannot rule it out as a factor.

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I am not seeing the value in this program in resolving why Retrospect is causing this to the boot drive of my server.


For true? You don't?


The programs suggested can be used to investigate disk use, by file, by directory, over time. They are _designed_ to do exactly what you're asking to do.


I have another Leopard server NOT running Retrospect and this is not happening.

Ipso Facto, eh?



left the server with 1.75GB remaining last evening

I just want to be clear about your report; this 1.75 GB takes into account the mystery space usage, yes? That without Retrospect you'd be keeping 8 to 10 GB minimum free on your OS X server?


And at this point you do consider under 2GB free space on an OD Master server to be a critical, dangerous and jaw dropping edge to be playing on, no?


I am looking into software update server as being a factor...


But you have "another Leopard server NOT running Retrospect," and that machine is also running Software Update Server, right? Right?


It's like finding a needle in a haystack


Yes. And GrandPerspective and WhatSize are like metal detectors to sweep over that haystack. But while a high quality Fisher can easily run you $600, GrandPerspective is open source and free.

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I am not seeing the value in this program in resolving why Retrospect is causing this to the boot drive of my server.


For true? You don't?


The programs suggested can be used to investigate disk use, by file, by directory, over time. They are _designed_ to do exactly what you're asking to do.


I understand they give insight into what may be causing the problem on disk usage, but specific to where files related to Retrospect are, no.


I have another Leopard server NOT running Retrospect and this is not happening.

Ipso Facto, eh?


Yes, the other xserve (OD duplicate) is running the same serves with acception to MySQL. It is running the older Retrospect 6 backing up mail data to an external. That boot drive has 43.6GB left on it.



left the server with 1.75GB remaining last evening

I just want to be clear about your report; this 1.75 GB takes into account the mystery space usage, yes? That without Retrospect you'd be keeping 8 to 10 GB minimum free on your OS X server?


And at this point you do consider under 2GB free space on an OD Master server to be a critical, dangerous and jaw dropping edge to be playing on, no?


1.75 GB left on the boot drive as displayed by the OS. The software gives a warning when the boot disk space drops below 1.5GB, so yes, it is a concern.


I am looking into software update server as being a factor...


But you have "another Leopard server NOT running Retrospect," and that machine is also running Software Update Server, right? Right?


Not running Retrospect v8 and not running Software Update Server


It's like finding a needle in a haystack


Yes. And GrandPerspective and WhatSize are like metal detectors to sweep over that haystack. But while a high quality Fisher can easily run you $600, GrandPerspective is open source and free.


I will purchase WhatSize in order to overcome the 20GB limitation in the demo. GrandPerspective however, pretty colors yes, but a straight forward report and info, no.


Appreciate the help...


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the other xserve (OD duplicate) is running the same serves with acception to MySQL.


Not running Retrospect v8 and not running Software Update Server


Ok; I guess we have a different idea of the meaning of "same" and "acception" (sic)


Since you're an OS X Server administrator running more advanced configurations on higher end iron then I've ever used, I'm sure you're aware that the Software Update Server's job in life is to download Apple's update packages and make them available to machines on your LAN. Those packages take up space, potentially lots and lots of it.


So Machine A is running Retrospect 8 and the Software Update Server. It is experiencing unexpected disk usage.


Machine B is not running Retrospect 8 nor is it running the Software Update Server. It is not experiencing the same unexpected disk usage.


I can't even think of a non-snarky way to make my point, so I'll just sincerely suggest that the issue is much more likely being caused by OS X Server then by Retrospect 8 (all things (such as the potential for user error) being equal).



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Snarky...funny word :)


I have been trying to remove all the old updates in the software update server database. Apple does not make it easy as if you do not turn the damn thing off, it just starts downloading 3 year old updates again.


Now that I have that turned off, I can try and restore some pride here and see what is what.


The timing of it all lead me to believe at first that retrospect was the cause of the issue, as I just started using v8 in recent months and was a beta tester as well.


Re-grouping here...drink some coffee...

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