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Restore Non Retrospect Backup from tape

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Can Retrospect be used to restore a backup from tape that was not created by Retrospect? We are running Retrospect 6.0, but I am courious if any version can do this.


When I load the tape it is seem as "Content Unrecognized."



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Can Retrospect be used to restore a backup from tape that was not created by Retrospect? We are running Retrospect 6.0, but I am courious if any version can do this.

If the backup was made by one of the standard unix backup programs (cpio, dd, tar, etc.), then what you are missing are tape device drivers, because Apple does not distribute tape drivers with MacOS, and most tape drive manufacturers do not distribute Macintosh tape drivers.


However, if all you need is tape drivers, Tolis Group sells a set of tape drivers that will enable you to use the standard Unix backup programs.

Tolis Tape Tools


If the tape backups are in a proprietary backup format used by some other tape backup software, your only hope is to use that proprietary backup software, and the Tolis tape drivers won't help.



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