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Forum search bug


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Contrary to the online info, my search for the single word, script, resulted in > 400 hits; so I searched for +script +external; this resulted in > 400 hits too, so I searched for +script +external +noseboogers......... which resulted in > 400 hits!!!!!!


While I could think of some humourous examples of required "debugging", could someone check into this please?

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  • 3 months later...

Robin - the search forum was not my original post. It concerned a very simple question concerning external scripts, which is NOT documented but one could INFER from the examples and I was asking for confirmation. I didn't get a single reply. I don't like guessing at how a product as critical as backup software works. I would believe that my question was REALLY simple. Because the words "External Script" are posted, does this mean "ignore, or run and hide"? I'd posted once - no reply; then a second time, simply asking the original question of whether my understanding of the example of external scripts. I don't expect EMC to debug or write scripts for me - I do expect an answer to something that should have been documented though. So I thought I'd add a little humor (while noting some strange results while searching this BB).


I've asked politely and have no reason to believe I've posted anything that might have upset you or other members, and I've tried to be as helpful to more junior members as I can, time permitting.


So I can't understand why NO ONE - NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON, would reply to me with my simple question regarding something that is NOT documented.



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To be honest. I have never used external scripts and don't know the answer to your question so I have not answered it.


I believe you have not seen a reply to your question because no one in the forum knows the answer. Have you tried sending an email to the retro-talk mailing list? It is mostly used by Administrators and advanced users.


The forum uses some very basic MySQL search features. You can try using the Forum and Retro-Talk Google Search box on the right of the forum screen.


External scripting really isn't documented because it is something we did add to the product for power users to try and use, but we actually note in the users guide that it is not directly supported by EMC.


As far as the forum, the forum rules do say:


While this forum is monitored by members of the EMC Technical Support team, it is not possible to reply to all questions and threads. This forum is not an official method for contacting technical support. EMC employees are under no obligation to reply to individual forum posts.



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