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Frustrated Newbie (version #2)

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I'm still not having any success running Retrospect 8 for Mac on a Time Capsule. My previous postings can be found in this thread.


A recap. I've bought another time capsule and disabled the wireless. I had cause to believe that the original one wasn't working properly. The new on is now available as an ethernet cable accessible NAS. In finder it appears as "SGPTimeCap" in the "Shared" section. Clicking on that share mounts the system as SGPTimeCapsule (i.e. /Volumes/SGPTimeCapsule) which was configured in the "Disks" section of the Airport Utility. Nothing appears in the "Devices" section of Finder. When I start the Retrospect app and look at "Storage Devices" the only thing I see is the DVD drive.


As an aside, I see only 1 DVD device and there are 2 Superdrives installed on my Mac Pro. Why doesn't it see both?


Back to the main problem. The time capsule IPV4 DHCP address is assigned ( with a subnet mask ( but everything else (e.g. DNS, etc) is blank. I can ping the IP address from a terminal. One of the questions in the previous thread had to do with mounting the device. In "Connect to Server" in Finder, entering "afp://" (either with or without the trailing / ) results in a new finder window with the TimeCapsule mounted.


So what am I missing? In many ways I can get to the mount point and copy files to the Time Capsule (e.g manually cp'ing in a terminal window, drag and drop from multiple Finders, etc). I don't understand why Retrospect doesn't recognize the NAS as a valid destination. For that matter, it doesn't even see the second DVD.


What do I need to do to add this device as a valid destination for backups? Would screen captures help you with debugging? Do you want to see the Time Capsule log files? Tell me what it is that you want me to do to debug this problem before I shelve Retrospect and go back to Time Machine?


I will actively monitor this thread because I really need to get my machines backed up VERY soon!




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Unfortunately umounting the apparently extraneous mounts wasn't a great idea. There were SGPTimeCapsule, SGPTimeCapsule-1, and SGPTimeCapsule-2. Now my system is completely broken. Starting Retrospect shows my machine (r1200) on the left but clicking on anything (e.g. activities, reports, scripts, etc) results in the "spinning beachball". I've accessed the Time Capsule via Finder and it shows up mounted so that's not it. How do I reinstall everything now?


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I rescind my last rescind. Umounting (or some consequence thereof) did indeed break something. I have uninstall (using the EMC uninstaller) and reinstalled everything. Clicking on anything results in minutes of delays. 5 minutes to load "media sets". Clicking on "+" to add a member to a set results in an "Accessing" popup which takes about 3 minutes.


HEEELLLLLP. How do I completely uninstall EVERYTHING so that I can start over yet again?



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