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Restored catalogue from Time Machine, do I need to rebuild?

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I could not unlock one of my Media Sets. It showed in the list with the lock. I click on unlock and enter the password, but nothing happened. No error or result. I Removed it from the list and located it again, but picking the catalog and entering the password just produced the error 'no catalog present', or something like that.


I restored a Time Machine backup of the file from the day before the date of this file, so if the catalog corrupted when it was last updated, this restored file would be the catalog immediately before the corruption took place.


I located this catalog in Retrospect, entered the password and it was accepted. It all looks fine now.


My question is, since this catalog does not include the last incremental backup that was done to the set, what can I do to correct that? Can I make it update? Or do I just have to rebuild from scratch? Or is there something I can do to repair the corrupted version? Is that version corrupted, or could there be some other problem?


Thanks, as always!

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Wow, that was quick, thanks! It took 2 minutes and completed 2 files of 18.9MB. So that's it then, I take it?


Just one thing, I did start a verify on it after I posted my question, before doing the Repair, and that finished after 5 hours and reported 12 errors, all:


'!Generated MD5 digest for file "" does not match stored MD5 digest.'


Do i need to worry about that?



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