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8 upgrade and 6.1 running in parallell?


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Is it technically and licence wise OK to run the Retrospect 8 Single server on a Intel Mac and keep the PPC 6.1 Retrospect running as well. With 6.1 and 8.0 sharing the same clients.??


I will retire the 6.1 when I am sure that the 8.0 running smoothly preferably with sftp.


BTW page 14 on the get started guide states that you can buy an addon to protect open files on windows computers and that details and pricing are on the web site?

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For what it's worth, I'm currently running both 6.1 and 8.0 on the same machine at the same time (2.0 core2duo mac mini with 4G RAM...)


However, I'm not accessing the same clients from both at this point (I moved my windows clients to 8 to take advantage of the "open file" backup you mentioned above.)


I had *one* instance where the Finder barfed and I had to restart the computer (I could no longer see Retrospect 6.1).


Other than that -- apart from the fact that if both programs are backing up at the same time then throughput for both backups is slower -- it seems to be working OK.


I would imagine if you used the same clients with both, then one will flag the client "in use" if the other tries to access it (which is what happens when I try to use two *different* backup machines to back up my client at the same time...)


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