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"A program can't display a message on your desktop"


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Running 7.6.123 on Vista.


Retrospect tries to notify when backup has not been run for certain number of days. Vista message says "A program can't display a message on your desktop" with option to view message or remind me later. Vista invokes UAC to view notification.


Agree to see message, - screen goes blank few seconds - retospect message is shown against grey screen background. Click to acknowledge message, -screen goes blank for few seconds - returns to active window. The process often crashes machine.


Very annoying. Would like to disable retrospect notification, but no option in Retrospect's 'preferences'.


Advice would be appreciated.

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Yes, but where is the control panel? And where is the setting to switch off notification?


If you look for 'client control panel' in the help index, it doesn't say where it is, it just says "see Proactive Backup for more information".


When you click the 'proactive backup' link in the left hand menu, it brings up a window with no scripts in it, and no options.


Also, in the help index 'Client User Preferences', it says: "To open the Retrospect Client control panel, do the following:


Windows: From the Start menu, choose Programs>EMC Retrospect>Retrospect Client."


I do not have 'Retrospect Client'. I have:


Reports Watcher, Retrospect 7.6 and Retrospect Activity Monitor.


What do I do?


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