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exchange logs

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I have been running the retrospect exchange agent 1.0 for a few years now on my 5.5 server and have even had one succesful restore of the database without incident. I noticed today, that my exchange log files are larger than the database. Never looked to see if committed logs were being dumped since we are a small company and disk space is cheap. If the agent is doing a full copy isn't it supposed to trigger a log dump?

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  • 1 year later...

I have wondered the same, especially since the resource requirements of our store.exe file have reached over 500MB. At first, I suspected this was due to the log files not being truncated or dumped, but after archiving a great deal of mail from the Exchange Server, store.exe usage dropped to under 300MB.


The backup has run once since I archived the mail. I monitored the store.exe process closely for several days and discovered that the store.exe usage had returned to levels in excess of 500MB after the first backup.



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