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Express 7.6.111 becomes a zombie


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Running XP Pro with all updates. Recently switched to using a USB attached drive for backups instead of NAS. Does not happen all the time, but very frequent. Normal backups overnight do not seem to start. Just tried running a recycle (after a system reboot) - it averaged one .rdb file per minute until # 49, then it "died". It completed 29GB with 6.8 GB to go. Yesterday another recycle did complete.


When this happens it looks like it is running, but there is no progress. Clicking Stop produces the normal dialog. Saying Yes greys out the Pause & Stop but it is still Copying and One execution running. Attempting to Exit produces the Really exit? dialog and saying yes still shows Copying but changes One execution running to Exiting... It does not exit. I have to kill the process which then produces the Execution terminated unexpectedly dialog. I must also repair the catalog before trying again.


Anyone have an idea?

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