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The Duplicate Operation


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I'm a newbee and this question is probably basic but I'm stuck --- My eventual goal is to move files from my back-up HD (G:) to a new computer's C: -- as a test before purchasing the new computer I decided to attempt duplicating 1 file from G: to an empty folder on current C: -- I open Retrospect Express and click duplicate - I have 5 radio buttons, Source,Destination,Selecting,Files Chosen, and Options -- I select G: for source, the empty folder on C: for destination, and now here is where I'm stuck -- when I click the "selecting" button I see folders with little boxes next to them but the cursor changes to a hand and I'm not able to open any folder in order to pick a file to duplicate -- if I do click on "all files" and then click the "files chosen" radio button it only acknowledges 2 files & I know there's 22GBs of files on G: ?????????????? HELP !!!!

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I followed the online Retrospect tutorial "backup to hard drives" and backed up my local C drive to an Iomega portable desktop HD recognized as G: by Windows - a properties comparison between C & G shows that there's roughly 27 GB on C and 22 GB on G - the difference may be apps that Retrospect wouldn't touch in the backup.

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