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Errors writing to Iomega disk


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Retrospect Express HD 2.0.241, with 160 Gig Iomega USB drive (refurbished - a replacement for original that failed and Support sent a replacement).


Backups were going fine on replacement drive for about 2 months.


Now getting the following error messages and conditions:


1. Windows "Delayed Write Failed" popup error message(s):

“Windows is unable to save all the data for the file J:\Retrospect Restore Point \restorePoint2.rbc. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save elsewhere.â€


The same message occurs repeatedly with the file j:\$Mft.


2. Retrospect error message when requesting “backup now:â€


Normal backup using DirectBackup at 9/14/2008 10:24 PM

Can't access Backup Set RestorePoint, error -2241 (Catalog File invalid/damaged)

9/14/2008 10:24:23 PM: Execution incomplete


3. From rthlpsvc.log file in Retrospect program folder.


HSvcRestoreReg: FindFirstFileW(rdregrst.ini) failed 2

hsvcWin2kDbRestore: GetFileAttributes(C:\WINDOWS\RDComRegBk\RtrComRg.ini) failed 3

hsvcWin2kDbRestore: GetFileAttributes(C:\WINDOWS\RDIISMetBk\RtrIISM.ini) failed 3

hsvcWin2kDbRestore: GetFileAttributes(C:\WINDOWS\RDWMIBk\RtrWMI.ini) failed 3

hsvcWin2kDbRestore: GetFileAttributes(C:\WINDOWS\RDActDirBk\RtrActDr.ini) failed 3

hsvcWin2kDbRestore: GetFileAttributes(C:\WINDOWS\RDCertSvBk\RtrCertS.ini) failed 3

hsvcWin2kDbRestore: GetFileAttributes(C:\WINDOWS\RDRSMBk\RtrRsm.ini) failed 3

No work to do, quitting...


4. Can access drive via Windows Explorer, but from command prompt window “chkdsk j:†says device cannot be accessed, and “format j:†says same thing.


5. Requesting a Restore from Retrospect does not list any restore points for any of the dates.


Appears like a corrupt catalog at the least, and possibly yet another failed backup drive to me. Any suggestions before calling Tech Support?

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