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Deleting Files


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Thanks for the response, but what I want to do is delete certain files within a snapshot. Is this possible?


Maybe an explanation will help. I have a lot of snapshots and sessions on my hard drives going back over a year. Some are backups of AVI files which are huge, 15 to 10 gigs each. Some snapshots have a combination of files I still need to keep and some are files that I can delete to gain more space on my backup drive. How can I do this?

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Thanks again for the feedback. I guess I'm going to have to make smaller snapshots somehow. Right now I'm backing up a whole hard drive as one snapshot. I'm doing this because I'm afraid that I may forget to add specific folders. In that drive I have a folder set up for each client and I put all image files into that folder in subfolders. This way, each night any changes to any files in any folder on the drive is backed up. This works well, except I have so many files on the hard drive that I can't seem to delete any snapshots because there's always some files that I need to keep in that snapshot.


As a photographer I live in fear of losing files, so I am fanatical about backing up. Unfortunately I shoot raw and each image file is about 13 megs. When we shoot thousands of images at each wedding and dozens of weddings each year, I end up with a huge amount of data and I'm buying a lot of hard drives. Do any of you have any suggestions about a better approach?



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