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iPhoto 08 (7.1.4) Backups and recovery

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Recovering lost images in iPhoto is an issue. One cannot recoever individual JPEG files from the Retrospect backup. It will only create an iPhoto Library package. When I have recovered and entire iPhoto database, it only appears to be a duplicate of the existing database. No previous images, albums or trashed items. We need to recover files that were inadvertently deleted and trashed.

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When I have recovered and entire iPhoto database, it only appears to be a duplicate of the existing database. No previous images, albums or trashed items.

How are you performing your Restore?


If you are doing a Restore from a Backup using the latest Snapshot and the files in question were deleted at some earlier time, you will either need to search for the files by name, or else retrieve the appropriate earlier snapshot from your backup media using the Add Snapshot option.


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Retrospect treats packages and bundles as if they were folders (which they really are). A Snapshot based Restore will correctly result in a folder populated with the same files as the folder had at the time of most recent backup.


As Twickland said, use either a Search restore (which does not use a Snapshot) and find the files you want (either by using specific search criteria, or by leaving the search field blank and just selecting items in the Browser window) or use a Snapshot based Restore ("Restore files and folders") along with a earlier Snapshot going back to when the files you want were still in the folder.



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Ok, the snapshot thing makes sense. I did try snapshot after trying to recover specific files from iPhoto. The issue with that is, it still recovers a single package and not the specific files. User I am helping does not know the names or numbers of the files, just the date or period they were last in the system. Also, if I try and recover the files from the specific dates, and no other data, the iPhoto Library package that get recovered is unreadeable by iPhoto.

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Starting at the end:


if I try and recover the files from the specific dates, and no other data, the iPhoto Library package that get recovered is unreadeable by iPhoto.


Well, yeah. An iPhoto 7.x (part of iLife '08) Library folder/package works as a database, one made up of individual folders and files instead of fields and records. If you only provide a partial collection of these files/folders, the program is of course going to choke. If you're looking to recover individual parts of this database you'll need to work with those files directly, not from within iPhoto.


I did try snapshot after trying to recover specific files from iPhoto.


I don't know what this means. What steps did you do with Retrospect?


The issue with that is, it still recovers a single package and not the specific files


As noted up-thread, Retrospect treats packages as folders. If you don't want to Restore an entire folder you can open the folder and select items inside.

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Starting at the end:


if I try and recover the files from the specific dates, and no other data, the iPhoto Library package that get recovered is unreadeable by iPhoto.


Well, yeah. An iPhoto 7.x (part of iLife '08) Library folder/package works as a database, one made up of individual folders and files instead of fields and records. If you only provide a partial collection of these files/folders, the program is of course going to choke. If you're looking to recover individual parts of this database you'll need to work with those files directly, not from within iPhoto.


Selecting specific folders or files still creates a iPhoto Library Package


I did try snapshot after trying to recover specific files from iPhoto.


I don't know what this means. What steps did you do with Retrospect?


I tried to recover individual files or folder before trying the Snapshot method.


The issue with that is, it still recovers a single package and not the specific files


As noted up-thread, Retrospect treats packages as folders. If you don't want to Restore an entire folder you can open the folder and select items inside.


Like I said, I tried this. It will not recover a single JPEG file or a folder of them.


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Like I said, I tried this. It will not recover a single JPEG file or a folder of them.


"It" will do what you have it do, and readers here are unclear as to what steps you might have tried. Retrospect can most certainly Restore a single file from anyplace within the structure of an iPhoto Library package that has been previously backed up, so knowing how you tried but were unable to proceed will help us help you find out what to do differently.



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