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6.2.229 Client Too Slow Error

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Has anyone else had problems with threshold settings and the new client?


While attempting to backup a Mac network client updated to 6.2.229, the Backup Server script ends immediately, without scanning or attempting to copy data. In the log is this message: "The backup client is too slow (measured 0 KB/sec, threshold 60 KB/sec)".


Earlier that same day, when the client was still on 6.1.130, the backup completed fine. I made no changes to the client except updating it to 6.2.229. I made no changes to the script. I updated the server to 6.1.230. Nothing else changed.


In troubleshooting the issue, an Immediate Backup was successful, but of course it offers no threshold options. When I turned off the client threshold requirement for the original script, it scanned and copied completely - at a fantastic rate for our environment, I might add. A scheduled Backup script type with an identical threshold failed in the exact same manner as the Backup Server script.


It would appear the problem lies with the server script threshold setting and the 6.2.229 client, as older clients backed up by that same server are not affected.


I wish it wasn't necessary to set the threshold for my clients, but it's the only way to keep the script from camping all night on a slow client with an incorrect Ethernet configuration.


Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


P.S. Assorted technical info:

-Retrospect Server: 6.1.230; XServe (2 x 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, 2.0GB RAM); OS X Server 10.5.4


-Retrospect Client: 6.2.229; MacBook Pro; OS X 10.5.4



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  • 3 months later...
We reproduced this problem and we are investigating.




Any progress or resolution to this? I am observing this exact same problem with my setup as well.


A scripted backup yields error message "The backup client is too slow. Measured 0 Kb/sec, threshold is 50 Kb/sec". But an immediate backup with no threshold requirement executes without issue.


I confirmed that the Energy Saver settings on the client are not configured in any way to make the machine power down or sleep. No other obvious background process on the client is taking up any network bandwidth.


The previous post from Axiom (post number 109492) lists some other server-based tests with scripting that I haven't performed yet, but certainly can, if it will help.


Relevant specs:

Retrospect Server 6.1.230

Xserve G5

Mac OS X Server 10.3.9


Retrospect Client 6.2.229

Mac Pro

Mac OS 10.5.5


Thanks in advance.


Brian Oh

Manager, IT Client Support Services

The Rockefeller University

New York, NY




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One more thing...


This morning, the end-user reported that the Client was mysteriously set to Off. This was after he and I made sure the Client was on and nothing else was running on the machine prior to scripted backup, and that the machine was fully powered on (no sleep).


When the end-user left for the day yesterday, the last thing done was to activate the password-protected screen saver via Expose. Account was still logged in.


This Mac Pro has network access via ethernet, with static IP, wifi access is available but otherwise turned off.





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his morning, the end-user reported that the Client was mysteriously set to Off.


did you try updating to the client released yesterday?



The speed threshold issue probably won't be fixed until Retrospect X later this year.





Thanks for the speedy reply. I updated to the latest 6.2.234 Client, and it seems to have fixed it! At least, in my test environment.


Now I need to push the update out to the actual end-user machine in question. Will report results as soon as the old Client is reenabled - I think a symptom of the bug in version 6.2.229 is that it shuts off the Client after failed execution from misreported threshold speed. That's what I've been able to reproduce here, anyway.


More to come.






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his morning, the end-user reported that the Client was mysteriously set to Off.


did you try updating to the client released yesterday?



The speed threshold issue probably won't be fixed until Retrospect X later this year.



Ah, I see what you were referring to.


I have two test clients over ethernet, both running Mac OS 10.5.5 and the latest version of Retrospect Client, 6.2.234. One is Power PC (G4 Power Mac, 867 MHz), the other Intel (Quad-Core Xeon Mac Pro).


Retrospect Server 6.1.130 is running on a G5 Xserve, Mac OS 10.3.9 Server.


A backup script that includes both clients and a minimum client threshold of anything greater than zero results in successful backup of the G4, but failed backup of the Mac Pro. The error message for the failed backup is "The backup client is too slow (measured 0 KB/sec, threshold X KB/sec).".


Eliminating the threshold requirement in the backup script results in successful backup of the Mac Pro.


So, Intel/Leopard bug, officially?




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A scripted backup yields error message "The backup client is too slow. Measured 0 Kb/sec, threshold is 50 Kb/sec".

Something else to consider: We have found that if Link Encryption is enabled with Mac clients (up through at least client version 6.1.130), the measured client speed drops to zero.


(Due to the various reported issues, we haven't yet moved any clients to 6.2.x, so I can't say whether the problem persists in these versions.)

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  • 3 months later...

I have been having this issue as well but some of Intel Macs are working. I am going to uninstall and reinstall the client localy. to see if this works.


This with server 6.1.230 on G5 Xserve running 10.4.11. Clients are all MacBook Pros running 10.4.11 and client 6.2.234. All my PPC work fine.


And I just rebuilt Retrospect Retro.Config (6.0) file as well, as in delete and start from scratch.

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