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I'm repeating my post of 2/16 in hopes that you can suggest something to try:


Maxtor one touch II, retrospect hd failure


My hard drive died. According to windows explorer, I had 127 restore points on the F drive in retrospect.


When I reloaded Maxtor and Retrospect, I could not restore any of the restore points. The restores would start and then give a message: errors restoring.... 0 files restored.


I tried to restore small groups of files and single files. Same error.


When I tried to setup a backup, Restrospect did not recognize the F drive. It would only create a restore point on Drive C.


I went online to get an update for Retrospect Express and downloaded version 1.1 from the EMC website.


All the same problems with setting restore points and with restoring from the F drive.


I removed the 1.1 version completely and reinstalled my old disk with Retrospect 1.0.196.


At this point, Retrospect says I have 0 restore points. It will not even open itself to set up a restore point.


I am at a loss. I would throw the Maxtor drive in the trash, but I have a couple of critical files on it. How can I get them to restore?



It could take me weeks to redo the critical files.


Please help.




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Directing a post to an individual is bad forum etiquette.


You say "According to windows explorer, I had 127 restore points on the F drive in retrospect."


Windows Explorer can not display restore points. Can you be more specific about what you are seeing?


You say "my hard drive died". What hard drive are you talking about? The Maxtor drive or the C drive?


Today is a holiday, so EMC is closed. Have you tried contacting Maxtor? They offer free support for Express HD with the Maxtor drive.

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