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Compatible SATA DVD+/-RW ??

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I was able to get a LITE-ON LH-20A1S to autoconfigure on Win XP. Just be sure to configure all the different types of media during the autoconfig session you want to use (CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, etc.) or you will need to start over to add one you didn't the first time.

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The most recent list of device is found at http://kb.dantz.com/article.asp?article=7946&p=2


Thanks, I have that link. Very few DVD drives have been added in quite a while; most of the activity has been in Tape and cartridge disks. I've tried shopping online for the 4 or 5 most recently certified DVD drives listed, and the only one generally available is the Pioneer DVR-112D. It seems that DVD drive models become obsolete and no longer sold after less than 12 months.


Since I currently have a relatively new (4 months old) defective DVR-112D I'm a little leery about buying another one. Also I'd like to move to SATA if possible.

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I was able to get a LITE-ON LH-20A1S to autoconfigure on Win XP....


Have you had any problems with the drive? Have you done any restores or Media Verification operations? With what results?


Online reviews of this drive are mixed, with cdfreaks.com raving about it and cdrinfo.com calling it average to slightly disappointing (although they did admit their sample had pre-release firmware).


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