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Server Login... Enter Network Password


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I am setting up a disk-to-disk backup that connects to a network file server. After a system reboot, Retrospect will ask for a username/password for the file server. When a scheduled disk-to-disk backup runs I get a message like:


"Enter Network Password


Server Login...


Server: someserver_name

volume: \\share\somepath


Connect as:




The backup waits for user input. Is there any way to store this username and password?





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Have you watched the training videos? Are you using a source or a destination?







One more item:


Retrospect 6.5 and later include an option to configure Retrospect to run under a specific user account. This should allow a backup of a mapped volume without needing to modify the launcher service.


Go to Configure>Preferences>Security. Configure Retrospect to run as a specific user.


Note: Users in a Domain should enter the domain name in the "log on to" field of the security preferences. If you are in a workgroup environment, enter the local computer name into the "log on to" field.


You should also go to Configure>Volumes. Get properties on the network volume and configure it for automatic login.


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