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Exchange Server 2003 backup errors


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We're running Exchange Server 2003 with all the latest patches and Retrospect 7.0. When backing up certain mailboxes we get these error messages. It has been ongoing for about over a month now and we've never had this problem in the past.


T-52: PtSend: cmd MbeF/msg RdBg: byte count 1261 exceeds maximum of 1024

Trouble reading files, error -523 (service transaction error)


T-635: PtSend: cmd MbeF/msg RdBg: byte count 1261 exceeds maximum of 1024

Trouble reading files, error -523 (service transaction error)


Unfortunately the 2 mailboxes that it occurs on are the President and VP of the company frown.gif


Any idea what might be causing these errors?

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We really need more info in order to help you. I would recommend creating a new topic/thread and asking your specific question. Please include any errors reported, troubleshooting completed so far and your exact Retrospect version.


You may be seeing the same error, but your configuration is probably not identical, when the error happens may not be the same. Most Retrospect errors will have multiple causes.

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